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It's Time to get

Hard Core with Jesus Christ

Our fellowship is focused on developing deeper relationships with Jesus and His Holy Spirit by Spirit filled believers teaching with Rhema knowledge from the Word of God.  Each week we pull from the bench depth of Jehovah infused wisdom that comes through the many teachers within and affiliated with our fellowship.  You never know what you're gonna get, but it's always Jesus, it's always edifying, and it's always hard core!

The Epic Story of the Holy Bible

While there are still some edits going on, a first iteration is now available.

PDF Download

This is the full 5 MB file.

The Epic Story of the Holy Bible


This is a freely given publication of flow chart & studies.

If it helps you - pass it on.

The best thing that could happen is 

to get more of the Gospel of Christ Jesus out there!

This is an interdenominational work intended to

get people into the Word of God.

NEW: I've started uploading some of the illustrations I'm creating for the book.

You can view the gallery here, or by clicking the image of Daniel & Gabriel.

Feeling Philosophical?

This is a 1.2MB download of the rough draft / pre-release version.

But this needs to reach a few folks sooner than I can get it published, so I'm posting it here.

Three Circles

This is a philosophical investigation I wrote for myself, which helped me think through the structure of identity, material, and spirital constructs.  If you think you are a 'meat robot,' have fun with that.  I've learned too much to deny these realities any more.  But I'll let you wrestle with these things as you see fit.  All I can say is that I hope to see you in eternity - make good choices.

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 Loving Jesus
Loving People
 Growth Into
 Christ Centered
Spirit Filled
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