YouTube Lesson:
Tonight we take on a few questions to discuss and debate as a fellowship.
#HCJC, #BibleDiscussion, #BibleDebate, #KingdomOfGod, #GodsNation, #Brokenness, #SpiritOfTheAntichrist, #BlessingsFromGod
Question 1: Does Jesus believe in "nationhood," or does God believe in nations? Or what does God think about nations?
Question 2: If God made us, then how are we so broken? How come we find in other natural species similar brokenness? Does this mean that God created us broken?
Question 3: What is the spirit of the antichrist? Not the actual antichrist, because that is a person, but how does the spirit of the anitchrist manifest today?
Question 4: Why do blessings from God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, seem to predominantly come in the form of perspective, and less often as material stuff or money?