Hard Core Jesus Christ
Psalm 42:7 - Deep Calls To Deep
What We Believe
Foundational Beliefs
As a Christ-Centered community of Christians we believe the following:
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are Three in One
The Bible is the Word of God
Jesus is the only way to salvation
HCJC Community Design
As a community we are organized around the following growth precepts:
For outreach to the world
To learn and grow individuals as disciples of Christ
To cultivate people into Christ-like mentors for others
HCJC Teaching
Building on Jesus as our cornerstone, and the foundational beliefs as Christians, we believe in the following:
Who we are as an image of God
How we are eternal beings
How the Holy Spirit is moving
Baptisms by water and fire
Characteristics of our Heavenly Father
Areas of Personal Development
Based on everything above, we teach and develop ourselves in areas including:
Forgiveness as a prerequisite
Jesus' version of us is the best
How everyone is potentially a child of God
Creativity in art, thought, and expression
Health through diet and exercise
Leaning into His supernatural experience